Sunday 22 January 2012

Best Carrots Ever

Shiny carrots...mmm
The Sunday Roast completes the week. That nagging 'eurgh it's Monday tomorrow' feeling is gently pushed aside by a bottle of wine on the table, a great steaming joint of something meaty, and THE SAME OLD BORING VEG! I love veg but I can get stuck in a rut. The ex-boyfriend of a 12 year relationship is now, thank effing Christ, the Boyfriend, once again. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and even better, I could ring his Mum to ask how exactly she cooks her carrots that made them so tasty, without any awkward moments. Every cloud...

All you do, for the most delicious carrots, perfect for the Sunday roast is: peel and slice your carrots and place in a small saucepan on high heat. Lob a knob of butter in and only just cover with already boiling water and season. Bubble away furiously until the water has evaporated and you are left with perfectly cooked carrots, slicked with a glistening lick of butter. You will never throw carrots into a vat of boiling water again. To accompany a roast chook, throw a little chopped tarragon in too.

I also went a bit mental and roasted celariac with the potatoes this sunday, and FYI, that was good too.

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